Any info on this painting in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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Any info on this painting

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Rickpad | 12:56 Thu 02nd Jun 2011 | Arts & Literature
13 Answers
Hi everyone. I have a print of a very old oil painting that depicts an old woman sat at a spinning wheel to her right hand side, talking or telling a story to six children knelt in front of her. The children appear to be one boy sat leaning on his right arm looking up at her at the front and four girls with a baby right at the back with a small doll on a what appears to be a chair right behind him (or her). The old woman is wearing a grey bonnet with an orange shawl and a long blue,grey dress. Does anyone know anything about this painting. Any help at all no matter how small will be greatly appreciated.
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Yes, I think you should upload the picture, if the other ones are not the one you mean. A picture is worth a thousand words you know.
19:20 Fri 03rd Jun 2011
Any chance of a picture? not sure if you can upload one.
I know nothing about painting but this image from google certainly seems to fit part of your description but missing the children
Yes, I think you should upload the picture, if the other ones are not the one you mean. A picture is worth a thousand words you know.
I got the same answer/result as Canary42.
It is frustrating when the OP doesn't come back to comment - looks like several of us have been trawling the net to help. Now is see Rickpad has only answered twice in 2 years.
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Thanks to everyone thats trying to find this picture for me, its hard I know without the picture but I can't seem to find a way of uploading it onto the site. As soon as I do - I will, that might make things easier.

Thanks again to all.
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Ahaa, I suused it. This is the picture I'm trying to find out about for all those that are kindly trying to help.
sorry rick, no link yet....
Nope, don't think You've got that right if you're trying to show a pic :)

Goto http://tinypic.com/ , click on the browse button, select the file you want to upload and then click upload now. enter the security text when requested and then once it's uploaded copy and paste the link shown under direct link for layouts into your answer... like this

OK, setting it as profile pic works too :)
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Where there's a will and all that, ha ha.

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Any info on this painting

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