What can I do about my 17 year old son who seems to think the world owes him a living?He's presently at college doing an ICT course,the OH and I went to open evening last night and son is not doing very well,he forgets to hand in assignments and is totally unenthusiastic about what he is doing.He's a bright lad and I know if he put his mind to it he could do well but he just seems to do the bare minimum to get by.We keep saying he should try to find himself a weekend/evening job and have even cut back on his money to encourage him but he "can't be bothered".All he seems to want to do is play on his computer and stay up 'til all hours.Both his dad and I have always worked and we are finding it hard to look at things from his point of view.It has caused huge rows and I would be grateful for some impartial input!
Tell him to find a course in apathy as he would pass it with flying colours. Also explain to him, very quietly and calmly that you can no longer be bothered to cook for him, do his washing or clean for him. or finance him.
find your local foyer/homeless shelter number, that of the councils housing team and give them to him and say unless you buck your ideas up in the next month you will be out on your ear. I worked in a homeless shelter with 16 - 25 year olds at one end and only ever felt sympathy for those who had no choice because they had been made homeless through family tradgedy breakups fire or flood. the i cant be bothered brigade got my goat they would doss in there rooms and do naff all to help themselves-until the staff threatened to evict them!