well heres the ae... myself and my boyfriend had sex recently and he came but only very little. Im not due my period till roughly the 26-27th of this month so this is not the time of the month i am most fertile. is there still a chance i could get pregnant?
If there is a chance i could get pregnant when should i get a pregnancy test? He came inside me just a little bit but when i stood up the semen came back out so theres no semen in me right? does that mean im not pregnant?
Only needs one of the millons of little sperms to stay behind and make the journey to your ovaries for you to become pregnant. There is therefore no guarantee that you are not pregnant.
Coming in even one drip is a risk. Some is bound to have stayed inside. Use a condom next time. If "recently" means "just now" then you had sex at your most fertile period, halfway between your periods - you are so wrong is saying this is not your fertile time - it absolutely is. You won't know until your period comes (or doesn't).