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Ignoring Solicitor's Letters

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flipnflap | 20:52 Wed 19th Jun 2013 | Law
10 Answers
if solicitors send you letters re a neighbourly dispute, what happens if you ignore them?


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can us give us more details? that is a bit sketchy.
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Depends if the dispute is about you
Where does it say, if someone writes to you, you have to answer?
Where does it say, if someone rings your doorbell, you have to answer?
Where does it say, if your phone rings, you have to answer?

We don't know what the letter says, so we can't advise you.
ignoring as is, you've not read them?

perhaps the consequences are in the letters
I'd guess you know what this letter is about.

If this is the first letter you've had, it might be an empty threat.

If any sort of legal action has started, it might be dangerous to ignore the letter.
Depends what it says. If it's a letter before action, it might be as well to reply to it! It's usually best to acknowledge it and give your side, in any case, if you deny the claim or it is based on a false understanding of the facts, so the solicitor, who has only got what the client says to go on, can see that and will go back to the client and get instructions. Once they see what you say, they may tell the client that there is no case and they'd better save their money. If in doubt about the effect of your reply, head it "Without prejudice" so it can't be used in evidence.
Many years ago I was involved in a parking dispute with a neighbour.
He was completely in the wrong but thought that by dint of getting his expensive solicitor to write to me he could press his point.

I used to enjoy writing back to his solicitor, even when it wasn't strictly necessary, knowing that my neighbour was being charged for all letters both written *and* read........:o)
Letters from a solicitor are often sent to satisfy the client some of whom can get very excited over matters which others consider trivial, if it over behaviour, or other neighbourly matters you should reply with your comments or corrections, but court action is most definitely not taken every time it is threatened, sometimes because there is little chance of success.

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Ignoring Solicitor's Letters

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