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Update -
I spent yesterday in nursery with #1 as part of the Stay and Play thing they do with parents. She was happy and played very well with her friends. I did notice that the boy in question is a lump of a lad, always barging about and not really aware of his bulk or surroundings.
I'm not qualified in any way, but I think he may have learning difficulties. The teachers alluded to issues he has too.
She was hysterical again this morning, so I had to just pass her on to the teacher to give her a cuddle and leg it quick. Heartbreaking when your child is so upset and just wants you to take her home.
Apparently, from what I can gather on the grapevine, there is at least one other girl and one boy having issues with another child. Not sure if it's the same one though.
I feel so bad that she has been telling me that this boy has hit her and I've been telling her to tell the teachers. She told me that she was telling them and I never double checked with them. I feel awful that she's been going through this and I've done nothing.
I feel like the sh*ttiest mother ever.