Trying a local paper crossword, and can't solve the last one. Most answers are 9 letters, but some are 2/7; 3/6; 4/5 etc.
Clue 1ac Below Average (9) I have s?b?o???l [I guess subnormal]
Clue 6ac Baptism sponsor (9) I have G?d?a???t [I guess Godparent]
Clue 7ac Someone who im parts vitality (9) [I have energiser]
Clue 2d Plot to grow plants (3) [I have bed from 1ac and 6ac]
Clue 4d - Make 2 down [I have m?e?s from 1ac (subnorMal), 6ac(GodparEnt) and 7ac energiSer)]
I can't make sense of the clue and its possible answers. I know there is someone out there who will be able to put me right, so please assist an old codger.
TIA for any help.