No kids ourselves, but occurred to us: how do parents of not-very-good-looking (or downright ugly) children cope with helping their kids face the world?
In this stupid society, where good looks seem to count for far more than good morals, or good sense, or good deeds, how do you send out your daughter (unfortunately it usually is the daughter) into the world with her unsightly face? Or your son with his enormous nose, sticky-out ears, buck teeth, etc., etc.
In smaller, gentler communities, people are sometimes more forgiving of deviations from the norm, but in big cities?
Children are very cruel to other children.
It's bullying.
Teaching all kids respect is a start.
But sadly some will always suffer name calling because of their looks.
beauty is only skin deep, if they are nice people they will be liked .I know a few good lookers and some can be very self centred and not so nice to know.
We mothers all think that our children are the best looking children on the planet. If they do have a "fault", big ears etc., they look adorable to us.
Good looks "seem" to count more than morals, but that's not the case. Yes in youth that might get you were you 'think' you want to be, but in the longevity of life that will leave you lonely, alone and talentless, not to mention hard to employ..
Anyhow all the attractive 'popular' girls in my secondary school have kids now, in some cases more than one, in one case 4 kids. They of course are supported by the government
I have honestly never seen an ugly child, or maybe I just don't notice. For sure I've seen ones with dodgy teeth and sticky out ears, but serious alterations to people's bone structure tend to happen around puberty by which time hopefully you've instilled enough naus and confidence in them for them to hold their own amongst the beautiful people ( who very rarely actually are).
Denis Prager of YouTube Prager University fame, said he considered his kids education and career choices of secondary importance to the development of character, with which they would take everything else in their stride.
A wise man indeed.
I once saw an ugly woman with 2 ugly kids, I asked if they were twins, no she replied, I then said "do you mean someone had to bonk you twice ?"
Seriously though I was a fat kid with national health glasses, never suffered bullying but times were different then.
In fairness to your son Darcy I usually take my glasses off if I'm being photographed because 9 out of 10 times it does glare or make my eyes look weird, so he might well be telling the truth x
Seriously though the whole of youth culture is increasingly appearance based. I know of one really beautiful girl driven close to suicide by bullying because her looks didn't fit the required pattern.
Photographers always took my glasses off in studio situations (and powdered the mark from the frames on the bridge of my nose)as a child, result was I screw my eyes up in most photos.