does anyone have any good ideas for baby names... i'm expecting twins so need to think of two, i want to name a boy harry but my b/f doesnt like that, i like traditional boys names, and for a girl, i would like it to be a bos name as well as a girls as my daugter is called jamie. any ideas anyone?
i thought of loads of names when i was pregnant and thought i would never decide, as soon as you see your babies you will know.I called my son frazer jay.
I nevr thought i would ever decide on a name, doesn't matter what names people tell you as soon as your babies are there you will know. i called my son frazer jay i knew as soon as i seen him what to call him.
I read on a website somewhere a brilliant test for names you are considering. Go to a park or school playground at the end of the day and call out the name you are testing. You can see if you feel stupid yelling it, and also, from the amont of children who look round, see how common the name is.
Frances/Francis can be masculine or feminine depending on how it's spelt. You can call him Jack, William, Oliver, Martin, Roger, Stuart, Ben, Phillip all those are traditional boys names. Olivia is nice and similar to Oliver.
If you like names that are boys names but for girls, then you could look at Italian names. They seem to have a feminine version of a lot of names that are only masculine in English, for example, Nigel - Nigella, Raphael - Raphaella, Ivan - Ivana, John - Gianna, Maurice - Maurizia.