What Could I Have Done? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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What Could I Have Done?

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10ClarionSt | 08:30 Tue 12th Nov 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

After marching in the Rembrance Parade in Whitehall on Sunday, I got back to my car at Stanmore tube station car park, but couldn't get in the drivers' side because the car in the next bay was parked only inches from mine. No way to get between them. I wouldn't mind but I was parked in the middle of the bay, whilst this other car was over the white line. Not good. But on the passenger side, it was virtually the same. Not quite as tight, which made me wonder how the driver had got out of that car. Anyway, I managed to squeeze into the passenger side of my car, but it was tight folks, really tight. I thought I'd been through a mangle. 

Then, I had to manoeuvre into the driving seat. I couldn't lift my legs over the centre console, so, on the passenger seat, on hands and knees facing the rear of the car, moved sideways over the console, crablike, then had to twist over into the driving position. Success! And after all that, I felt like Max Whitlock after a gymnastics workout. 

I drove out of the bay and was very tempted to drag  a key down the paintwork of the car on the right, but I thought better of it. I wouldn't mind, but the car on the right was only a small vehicle, a Toyota Yaris. Why would anyone park so inconsiderately? I was fuming folks, I can tell you. 😠

But it made me wonder; if there hadn't have been enough room to get into my car, what options would have I had? What could I have done? Also, I am fortunate that, at my age, I was able to get in. Many a person would have been unable to do it. 

But at least I had been and remembered our brave boys. That was the important thing. An eventful day.

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I think I would have been tempted to leave a note on his windscreen, on the lines that if he/she continued to park in that manner, that when they took their driving test, they would surely fail.

That happened to me once and I did the same as you - climbed over from the passenger seat   Just as well I'm not big - I'd never have been able to do it. Blinking infuriating!  Thoughtless oiks!  

Maybe the Yaris had little choice because there was a car parked to far over when he parked up.  Original offender since gone.

It happens, I wouldn't have done anything.  I've had to climb in through the hatchback in a similar situation, not easy for a big bloke. 

was it a manual car? You managed to squeeze in so I'm guessing could you could release the hand brake and push it out.

No being a bean pole I am always weary of this when I park. I try and find a place near something where a car can't park and then park with my drivers door that side. Not always easy. I did get caught once in Aldi but I just waited for the person to come out.

I was thinking the same as barry @ 11.01, I have often seen that happening 

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Thanks for the interesting replies folks. I was going to leave a note on the windscreen, but it was drizzling and probably would have been unreadable after a few minutes. Ill pay more attention to available spaces next time.

I was the only car in a vast car park. I returned to my car an hour later. One other car had arrived and parked too close to my drivers door, I couldn't open the door at all. I scrambled over from the passenger side hurting myself in the process. I was furious with this stupid thoughtless person. I resisted retaliation, I just fumed.

That's what I did, TTT.  There is no way I could have got in to the driver's seat. 

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