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Intruder Advice

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sinderella | 18:06 Fri 27th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

i have a neighbour who has carers call round daily 

the carers keep attempting / walking into my  home by mistake

i have tried having a word with them but it continues

any advice would be grateful. i keep my door locked so they have only walked in when i went to my car once

any tips please



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Phone the agency and ask them to make navigation to the correct address 100% clear. Down to the colour of the door or the tree/step/gate or other feature that they can double check before entering. 
00:33 Sat 28th Dec 2024

So they have only entered once?

Phone the agency they are from, it may be an erring the paperwork.

Make sure the number of your home is clear.

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i have the same door number as them.

the address is correct but they keep getting the wrong street

Then contact the agency 

If they are calling round daily, surely they know by now where their client lives?  

If you have the same door number as your neighbour no wonder they get the wrong place.

Pin a note to your door saying you live here or neighbour doesn't live here.

Keep all external doors locked...when you are in and if you pop out. Email their agency and inform them.

they are all different

you have to lock yourself into the house - odd feeling at first but you get used to it - esp if there is a reason 

The problem if asking the agency to go to the correct address is the skool leaver on switch will retort

"foo yeah we always make sure da carers go the correct address , we do" and she goes back to her i-player

^keeping front and back/side doors locked when you are in is odd? Really? - we do it all the time...ever since a friend was robbed while in their house (upstairs).

When you say the address is correct but they keep getting the wrong street, do you mean whoever is sending them has the correct street details?

If they do, you need to ask them why their folk keep going to your street.

Could it be sat nav error?

Are there language difficulties?

Use an airhorn to get their attention then let fly with the swearing.

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there is a language difficulty

my street name is notsimilar at all

my postcode is different also

Water pistol. Spray the ***, they'll remember you then.

No they are agency and so dont remember - life is like that

I had drunken Tom reprove me in front of the visitng nurses, and I thought " they are dying not to visit this slum, but sit at home drinking tea"

the fella was dying ( not Tom)

and then I went back to Tom and he wenr on reproving me.  In the end I said " T you have said this eight times. I am gonig to leave now"

is it a trasposition ?

I used to get phone calls 794 4676 and asked " Anna there>" You have dialed the wrong number and two are crossed

the patient will need and deserve the care

tip door bell thngey

Phone the agency and ask them to make navigation to the correct address 100% clear. Down to the colour of the door or the tree/step/gate or other feature that they can double check before entering. 

Or What3Words

I am confused - you say it's a neighbour. They have the same door number but a different post code,diff  street yet address is the same? 

I'm guessing the definition of neighbour used here is a little looser than I'd use.

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