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Cryptic Quiz Toys And Games

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MRB18 | 18:26 Fri 27th Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Help please!

1. This is a model of a company(6)

2. Watch this expert(4,6)

3. Missing twine (8,4)

4. Birds (5)

5. Pheasant, Partridge of being (4,2,4)

6. A Greek dish with range (9)

7. A charter for scribble (5,6)

8. Loose glass beaded tube (12)

9. Hit at a male(6)

10. A tack sphere (7)




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1 airfix


10 pinball

5 game of life?

9 Batman

9 Batman

6 gyroscope

3. Skipping rope

8 kaleidoscope

4. kites

2. Not sure - Mind Wizard ?

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Cryptic Quiz Toys And Games

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