Quite right too, they are breaking the law. But with fake ID�s easily available or an older friend at hand to buy them for you, like alcohol it�s a temptation that is hard to resist when peer pressures prevail. Social education and etiquette comes down to parenting (with subsidiary and academic information from schooling) and when these vices are abused to extremes then either the child is to blame, or the parents. Or should we just shrug our shoulders and blame society as a whole? If a 14 y/o old enough to accept responsibility for his actions, is a 12 year old, or a 10 year old?
I drive a flash fast fuel guzzling carbon emitting anti-green planet destroying vehicle. Is that my fault, my parents fault, my companies fault, the guy who sold me the car, the people who made it, the society who says my car is really cool, or the government for letting me buy it and drive it?