My advice would be to, firstly, try and cool things down at home, by talking with your parents in an adult manner and understanding, calmly, each other feelings. If you do well, It may be possible to reach a compromise where you stay at home but they let you see your bf, within mutually agreeable reasonable conditions.
This way, you get no risk of being hurt, in debt, used or otherwise upset and your parents keep their peace of mind. People in your family are only reacting strongly because they care, one day you will see that, I promise.
It may well be that after a few weeks, you get bored of him, or he may lose interest. It is best to let a relationship run for a a year or so before making the of commitment of living together- that just protects you from making big mistakes!
When you feel as though you are in love, advice is rarely listened to, unless it it what you want to hear. So you may ignore everybody and do your own thing anyway. I hope you dont do this and I hope that you realise that there must be 'something' in the sheer volume of the objections to your plan! Ask yourself 'why' they are doing it and you will see that it all boils down to the fact that they actually care.
Failing all that, Mammars advice was great, think about what she said a lot!
Good luck