I gave my kids a taste when they were little - the younger one gave the usual shudder and is not interested, the older one now coming up for 7 has a real taste for it - I am not sure whether to allow him the odd watered down glass, or steer him away from it completely. My husband and I don't drink a lot, but enjoy the odd beer and a bottle of wine at the weekends, but we have a history of alcoholism on both sides of our family. We have to watch our glass or No1 son will down it, he once licked spilt beer of the tablecloth while I was fetching a cloth when he was about 4. We obviously don't want him to end up with drink problems and it was always my belief that denial and making it forbidden was the road to disaster, now I am not so sure.
I think that it is the flavour he likes rather than any effects as he has never really had more than about an inch in a glass at the very most. He has a taste for very strong foods - e.g. chilli, strong smelly cheese, salami, peppered mackerell etc. We think maybe that he is an old man wrapped up in a little boys body