Congrats Red, so glad everything went ok and your mind is more at rest. You can relax and enjoy being preggers now :-)
I had my first scan last week (first baby so a bit scared) and I had totally convinced myself of awful things - that she wouldn't find anything or that she would find something but it wouldn't have a heartbeat... it was horrible. Thankfully, mini-nat was boogying away (after eventually deciding to come out from behind the placenta) and was wiggling their legs and arms, looked like they were break dancing. I felt like such a weight was lifted, and I am glad that you feel that too.
Mini-crx sounds so cute! When we told my five year old neice a baby was growing in my tum, she asked if it was a boy or girl and when we said we didn't know yet she replied "Oh, so it's still a fish at the moment then?". :-S Bless.