i was mortified by giving birth to my first kid (15december), didnt know what was happening and didnt realy need anybody other than the midwifes and the "horrible him" there with me. the next 2 kids happened within a year of each other so i was fairly used to having my "privates" somewhat "public" in regards to the medical profesion but doubt that i would have wanted my aunts/ best mates or any boby else there (although the taxi driver did almost get involved and migh find i left teeth marks in the head rest as i almost gave birth in his Mondeo!)In my experience, she probably wouldn't welcome conversations / communications with people who are not intimately involved even though she undoubtably loves them (and them her.) Perhaps, Maybe as previously suggested, you use a video camera so that your daughter can view it herself after the event and decide just how much she wants to share with other people. Also , on a cautionary note, ALL of my 3 kids had unexpected complications with their births,would it be fair to subject aunts etc to this anxiety god forbidding it happens ?( which i'm sure it wont)
Having said that, best of luck to your daughter and enjoy being a grandmother, keep us posted!!!!!! best wishes , XXXX