babies on cows milk in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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babies on cows milk

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tamirra | 09:50 Fri 19th Sep 2008 | Parenting
3 Answers
Is it ok to start a 10 month old on cows milk?
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it is recomended about 12 months but both of my girls were on cows milk at 8-9 months dont worry any concerns talk to your midwife
it depends on the baby, my niece was on solds when she was 5 months the milk was not filling the baby, t was recomended by the midwife xxx
I would say so yes they can already have it on cereal etc its just to have it as a drink you are supposed to wait until 12months. I would advise introducing it gradually by mixing 2oz of cows milk to 7oz formula then increasing the amount over a week or so. If there's any sickness or diarrohea then go back onto formula and don't just decide to swap milk all in one go. This can make babies sick.

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