I once had a cat who did this, but only to people she didn't like. We had a male au-pair when K. Jnr was young and the cat absolutely hated him (she got on fine with all our female au-pairs, but admittedly, this guy was weird. The dog didn't like him, either!). If he left his bedroom door open, puss would go in & pee on the bed - she even did it one night when he was in it!! (Much to my amusement!) Does the cat get on OK with your daughter? You don't say how old she is, but I assume she's old enough to be a responsible pet owner and treat her well? Does your little girl perhaps have friends round who aren't quite as good with the cat as she is? Maybe this is puss's idea of getting her own back? Does the cat still use her litter tray? Make sure it's kept clean for her and within easy reach. Maybe your vet could suggest an animal behaviourist who could help. It would be a shame if you have to re-home the little cat.