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carliex | 15:07 Tue 24th Mar 2009 | Parenting
10 Answers
my baby girl is 3months she is on aptamil easy digest she has 6oz every 3hours most people i talk to say there babys are on 6 oz every 4-5 hours should i take her off eay digest?


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I dont know about the milk but my LO was on a 3 hour routine until 4 months, then he had a bottle every 4. Dont hink you have anything to worry about.
was there a reason she was put on easy digest in the first place?
Just because it seems other babies are going longer doesnt mean that your little girl isnt feeding in the right way for her.
sorry, meant to add, you could always ask your health visitor for advice on changing formula.
it sounds normal to me though
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she was constipated and was violently sick with other milks
then i wouldnt change it without the advice of the person who changed it the first time.
at her age there is a big growth spurt around that time and feeds get messed up. wait a few weeks and see and then get advice.
My 4 month old boy is on the exact same milk. He can still sometimes have 7oz bottles every 2 hours! I wouldnt worry. Every babies feeding routine is different.
Every baby is different !!

My LO was feeding every 2 hours and that was only 4oz.

I would not worry about everyone else baby, work with what your baby needs.

Babies will work at thier own pace, like some will crawl at an earlie age and others will be nearly a year before they crawl.
Hi carliex,
Our babies are the same age and mine is also having aptamil (not easy digest though) She has between 4 and 5 oz every 3-4 hours until bedtime when she sleeps normally 7-8 hours. This is less than the guidelines for her age on the aptamil box but my HV says this is ok as she is only small (6lb 8oz at birth and 9lb 14oz as of 2 weeks ago)

I tried the easy digest Aptamil as she was having some discomfort after each feed. But I found that it was a thicker consistency and wouldnt go through the tommee tippee teats I use. When I bough the next size flow I found that these were too fast and made her splutter. What bottles do you use??
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i use the tommee tippe bottles with a bigger teat which is fine for her, she was 6.7 at birth and is now 13.13 at 12weeks so i know she is puttin on weight. I wasnt advised to go om easy digest i did it myself. But the past few days she has been fitting her nappie after every feed! my hv said she is fine but i dont thnk she is as nomally she poohs every 2-3days and now its about 5 times aday!
I was thinkin of easing her onto aptamil 1 by doin some feeds on easy digest and some on aptamil 1 until the easy digest box is empty what do you think?
how is your little one?
I have always used Aptamil for my LO who is now 13 months. The first stage milk should be ok and shouldnt make her constipated as babies are normally looser on Aptamil than other brands and is often recommended when other brands arent agreeing with baby. I wouldnt mix them though and think it would be best to just change when the box is empty. Be aware that it may still upset her tummy for a day or so while she gets used to it, although seeing as they are the same brand, she should be ok.

Having said that, I wouldnt change without speaking to your HV first, just to make sure. My LO never had as much as was on the guideline either but it is just a guideline so go with what suits your baby.

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