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Have you ever been disowned?

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Bbbananas | 13:11 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
My mum completely disowned me once in Boots in about 1979. Never mind genes & all things maternal - she turned her back on me & pretended she hadn't seen me when I knew darn well she had.
Any Why? Because I was in my 'scruff' phase & I had jeans with holes in the knees, a brown duffel coat & a canary yellow sweatshirt that had emblazoned on it "Virginity is like a bubble - one prick & it's gone forever".

I know what she was thinking "Why can't she be more like her sister - and wear skirts and be smart?".

It has had a profound effect on my life.


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I thought you meant seriously disowned, my partner was.
I want that sweatshirt
In the mid 70's I would have liked to disown my daughter who'd decided to explain to my mother-in-law the meaning of my t-shirt which read 'A hard man is nice to find'.....she was I think about 7 at the time....
My mum left me outside a shop in my pram and got the bus home. It wasn't until my father asked where I was that she realised what she'd done. I've never got over that either. I can never listen to that song Nobody's Child without my bottom lip quivering.
Salla, I think you've had a bigger effect on your mother's life.
Ooh Salla.. how sad.... Do you get on now???

My Husband and I have disowned his Mother.. and his Brother and his "Father".....

Awful family.. better off without them! Life is so much more peaceful! No arguments, No visits from the police, no belongings being stolen!

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lol Ethel. She loves me really. And I did find it quite amusing at the time.

I think she expected me to be a nicely turned out, well-spoken, well-educated, ambitious & successful young woman just because I 'passed' my 11-plus and went to all all girl's High School. She didn't expect me to turn into a scruffbag who resented the elitism & snobbery of such a school, only wore jeans and drunk pints of guinness.

(I have matured, a little, since. And I do wear skirts and dresses...!)
Methinks you still a mighty fine, beautiful, prime specimen of womanhood, banana's xxx

....and a (((banana's)))


btw Hi to all xxx j
Hello Salla and all !

I think I was disowned about 20 minutes ago. Not sure.
Hi Mercy _ beautiful day here on the south coast - just got in - busy morning. just gonna chill in the garden till the peace ebbs away - yep..... kids are back at 3.30pm!! ( love 'em)

How's espana's weather - still fine?

Now..........Who has gone and left you on your todd!?

:0) xx
Hi yogi ! Weather here is quite hot today. Defo hottest day so far. I have been a moody bitch today. I have just had a blazing row with the ex and now we are not on very friendly terms. x
I wouldn't walk down street with my son who was wearing a Tshirt that said F##ker on front in very large letters. He took it off and turned it inside out. I dont think I was unreasonable. I found it offensive and I love him.
Oh dear! - has he walked out for a breather!?

He may return - tail between his legs and apologise..........or is there more chance of seeing a flying pink piggy, up in the sky?

Maybe tonight .........bit of wineing and dining will sort it out!! xxxx
Agree, Naomicrlett xx
He's sunbathing down by the pool. We were supposed to be going out for a curry tonight, but I just don't have an appetite. I can't even face a bowl of salad at the mo! xx

How are you today?
oops! - sorry typo - Naomicorlett ( with an o this time!)

( sun beaming down on bonce - have cool shades on though!)
I'm good thanks, NoM - given a couple of tickets to see Ultravox tonight at The Brighton Dome - original line up too - Midge Ure, Chris Cross, Warren Cann & Billy Currie, so well up for that!!

Don't worry about your appetite - it's only early yet - what 2.50pm in spain, so you have lots of time before you can tuck into your curry!

Hope it goes well, sweetheart! xx

I'm off now as Boo Boo just got in and she wants me to go out with her before kids home - so much for my hour or so in the!!!

Have fun xx
hi everybody....waves<3
I organised a trip to Blackpool for the girls(well we would be in our 50s at the
we were staying in this rather seedy B&B, as the clown of the group(me) I alsways did something outrageous!
This time I visited the local charity shop and bought a flowery dress, a cross-over apron, some thick Norah Batty's a "lived in " wig some old horn rimms, put a basket over my arm and sat outside on the pavement asking passers-by for " a copper for a cuppa please" all of girls were hanging out of the windows shrieking with laughter, that is until a police car pulled up.......then they disowned me, don't know why!,(the two young policeman, took it in great Thankfully
Have a good day, Yogi ! xxx

Salla - sorry for whining on your fred ! x
we left 4getmenot in a McDonalds in Florida once and drove off. She was about 9 lol

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