i think if you ring the nhs direct you can get them to put you on a waiting list for a dentist in your area and you should hear back within 6 weeks if not get in touch again because they can be unreliable, also how old are the childen because my children are getting sorted with a dentist from the school nurse.
if the children have a dental emmergency ie toothache the nhs direct can make you an appointment to see a dentist for that day or the day after.
hope this helps! ;-)
ring your local PALS (patient advice and liaison service) will be in the phone book or on the website of your local pct. They will be able to giv you a list of local nhs dentists that are taking on new children
I rang dozens of dentists, and not one wanted to take my child (who's 4). I luckily managed to find out miles away from near where I live and which basically means i've to take a full morning or afternoon off work to take her.