Gas supplies - Customer rights and getting cut off.
Slightly peeved off with things at the moment.
Had a letter two weeks ago stating gas works would start this week.
wed evening had a letter poked thru letterbok stating the gas would be cut off on thursday (12hours notice) - no gas board ppl about to ask so phoned up, was told supply would be disconnected but would not need to be about to reconnect the supply, happy days.
Got home last night - no gas, the supply pipe to my house had been physically severed and just left. No gas, no boiler supply, cooking etc....
Spoke to a bloke who was about at that time and was told access would have been needed - I had 12 hours notice of supply cut off (leave home at 7.30 get home at 7.30!), informed it wouldnt be a problem by the help line though.
Now have to finish work early tonight and loose out on a job and upset current employers (Self employed) for them to gain access.
No forward planning or contact from the Gas company, and only 12 hours notice about access requirements despite being told no problem.
What rights do I have as a customer??
My supplys down to N power - are they liable. Might not have a gas supply tonight if I dont make it back on time and have no idea if they work weekends, already one evening without a supply.
Mightily annoyed right now, their bang out of order, I know they need to get on with a job but forward planning and arrangements with home owners should be top of the list, surely ALL properties should be liased with and organised BEFORE supplies cut off.
What rights do I have, had no servie last night, scetchy details and plans from everyone. Not even a hot meal last night either.