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who is staying in tonight ?

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joggerjayne | 18:41 Fri 22nd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
94 Answers
This thread could be called ...

"I just made a t!t of myself"

There is a thread in Media, or something, called "Who is going out tonight?"

I replied that I was staying in.

Only afterwards did I realise ...

They were asking who was "going out" of Big Brother, or something.

Duuuh, me !!

So, erm ... who is staying in tonight?

(I mean staying in at home ... NOT in Big Brother!)


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I am staying in tonight, got me a bottle of Wodke and some diet coke, some nibblys I don't ask for a lot JJ
Love the Mopsy♥
i thot the same as you - JJ
re the other thread-
as for me- yup. i will be in 2nite
me and im child free doh!!!!!
me cos i'm too jolly to go out. :-(
you and Mr ZZEE should go to the
ME ME ME ME oh and ME
hes working till 10 mutha and im in a duvet loving mood to be honest dont feel like going out tonight, had the chance of gfoing out with a friend but i just want my pjs and a big mug of coco sad aint i ???
I told poodi off before saying I had said hello twice...PMSL
and it was you I meant, try again, Helllooo peri ♥
sounds ok to me pet, enjoy ♥
Hi bobbi - not good here - read my thread above - disappearing for a few minutes to walk my daughter to her friends - back in a mo !
i will dont worry xxxx
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So ... most of us are in, then !
it looks that way jj although im off for a nice hot soak in ten mins or so
I'm in!! Got me a nice glass of wine and going to chill and relax!
I'm staying in and not drinking either.... :-(
I'm in and have me vodka :)
I've been in, then out then in again and then just been out again but i am now in again but will be out again later.
hence no alcohol! But I am 10 days off now and so there may be the chance of a drink or two one day soon!

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who is staying in tonight ?

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