Our children (7 and 5 yr old) usually go to bed between 730 and 800,
We have the same bedtime routine every evening. Bath at about 6-630 then we have quiet time where we either read a book or watch some tv (depending on whats on) the we go up to bed have a bedtime story then lights out and sleep, they usually go off quite quickly, probibly asleep by 815 at the very latest.
But our 7 yr old is waking up at 530 every morning and not going back to sleep!
so when she comes home from school she is absolutly whacked out and in a foul mood!
do you think she's going to bed to early?
No I don't. Your bedtime routine sounds spot on to me. Too many kids are expected to function at school with too little sleep.
I think it's the morning light that's waking her; try a blackout blind or curtain lining so the sunrise doesn't penetrate the bedroom.
It should be around tea time. The rule is to give them some broth without any bread, Then whip them all soundly, and put them to bed. That should sort it.
I have 6yr old twins and they go to bed with pretty much your routine.
No fuss, no arguments they just go off like a light.
Daughter is an early riser at the crack of dawn and we have now managed to train her not to wake us up. She has quiet play in her room and only wakes either us or her brother if the time is getting on. OR she has had an amazing thought....
The only thing I can think of is put them to bed half an hour earlier for a week and an hour later the week after and see if that helps.
Mine, who's 5 has a bath about 6ish, and is in bed for 7 with a story from me. However I know she gets out of bed and plays for a bit. If she's not already in bed and asleep by 8 i'll go up and shivvy her back in it.
Nothing wrong with the routine as such, but is she getting enough exercise to tire her physically? My two probably went a little bit later at age 7, but that is mainly because they go to a lot of evening activities and some dont finish til 8 or half 8. So 4 nights out of 5 during the week, they weren't (and still aren't) home and in bed til 9 with reading time and lights out at 9.30 - They usually sleep until between 7 and 7.45. They are now 8 and 9 but have done this for the last few years.
My children go to bed 7ish and they wake 5am -6am ,and they are tired when they come in from school.its a viscous circle,but i do what someone else mentioned do lots of evening activities swimming gym or play parks or indoor playcentres ,still put them to bed the same time but they get tired and sleep alittle later.it will be easier now the evenings are getting lighter.im so used to 5am start the other day we went swimming and they woke at 6am !!!my hubby and i were celebrating a lie in!!
Mine go to bed around 7ish, after a 6ish bath/shower. They are 4 and 17months. the baby will sleep until anywhere between 6:30 to 8am, and I normally have to wake the 4year old up for school!
We have a similar routine to yours, except we watch the Simpsons before our story lol x