But all religions are supported by some pretty intransigent texts (the Bible for instance has a pretty dim view on what should happen to adulterous involves stones).
Why is it that we never get to hear about what is done to Muslims 'in our name'?
Is it because it would make the situation in the Middle East way too complex for us to understand?
Do we need it in black and white (Muslim = bad, non-Muslim = good)?
Muslims in the UK, from what I can see, are much more in tune with their religious teachings...therefore, why aren't they all terrorists? Why don't ALL Muslim women wear the burqa?
Why is it that when we see a news report about a Christian who refuses to let a room to a gay couple, or perform a civil ceremony, or give relationship advice to a gay couple, they're 'practicing their religious freedoms', but if they were Muslims, they'd automatically be labelled, 'hard line' or 'fundamentalists'?
Do you think that perhaps, our media is a bit biased in their reporting of the Middle East, and Islam?
Or do you think it's fair?
By the way - do you think that we are in any way responsible for the situation in the Middle East?
Or we the knights in shining armour, desperately trying to save the world from the mad mullahs?