retrocop - //Just an everyday event in and around London especially and the police are losing the battle partly,it would seem,because of criticism for targeting certain gangs with stop and search. It is regarded an abuse by the police and unfair. Well the whingers will reap what they sow!! //
It is not the police who lose the 'battle', it is society which singularly fails to address the reason for the existence, and increase, in knife culture among young people in major cities.
I have banged on ad nauseum that if the government put proper resources into nursery and pre-school education, we could raise a generation of children with a sense of respect for themselves, and each other, and that generation will eventually become the teenagers who no longer look for an excuse to maim and kill each other.
Because such investment will not deliver a measureable result within the life of one government, no government will invest in it. Quick 'fixes' generate votes, and that is what government is all about - holding on to power.