Greasy Hair. Help! in The AnswerBank: Beauty
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Greasy Hair. Help!

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NoMercy | 10:02 Sat 12th May 2018 | Beauty
14 Answers
My hair looks constantly greasy. This is a new thing. Posdibly common in the post natal period?

As soon as I've washed it, it's greasy looking again. Having very dark hair just makes matters worse.

Any tips on how to manage this problem?

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Has anyone tried baking powder with their shampoo?
I dry shampoo will probably help, worth a go. My wife uses Batiste.
And don't use conditioner.
Question Author
My hair is long so I need to condition the ends.
Just condition the ends NoM. Try and leave a bit longer in between washes. If you cant bear that, use a little dry shampoo before next wash.
Question Author
Thanks both.

I'm going to try the baking soda trick and I'll report back.

Patsy, did your daughter have the same problem post natally?
Hi NoMercy.
Congrats to you and OH for the birth of your Son.
It's been 4yrs since I posted on here, so have not been able to say Hello.
Hope all is well
Question Author
Hi Red. It's good to see you back again.

The boy has just gone out for a ride to the sorting office (missed a parcel delivery yesterday) ... me time !!

It's really good to see you again xx
Question Author
ps ... I think it's 6 years this year since I saw you and your good wife in person? x
Thanks NoMercy.
I got in a rut and had to back away from AB and other aspects of my life.
Time and health are now catching up on me, but I am still positive as life is precious. xx
Question Author
It is indeed, Redman.

I wish you both well xx
Hi NoM, daughter said her hair has gone better! She doesn't use straighteners as much which she says helps.
A true story...

"Trying to control my dry hair, I treated my scalp with olive oil before washing it.

Worried that the oil might leave an odor, I washed my hair several times.

That night when I went to bed, I leaned over to my husband and asked, "Do I smell like olive oil?"

"No," he said, sniffing me, "Do I smell like Popeye?" "
So funny!

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Greasy Hair. Help!

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