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What Is Wrong With Our Nhs?

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Caran | 23:17 Tue 01st Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
OH is very, very deaf. He should have had a Cochlea ear inplant just before Christmas but it was cancelled two days before. He needs his ears cleaning out every 4/6 weeks. He last had it done February. I did phone in April and they said they would sort him out. I phoned today again. I was told they are not doing this procedure now due to government regulations. He is getting so depressed about this. He suffers from a very narrow ear channel. It's the width of a needle so gets blocked so easily. Conversation is an absolute no no. Everything has to be repeated umpteen times. It's very frustrating for both of us. But there seems to be nothing we can do.


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9 years of systematic deliberate underfunding by Tory Austerity - the NHS is a nasty Labour invention.
Covid, I expect, Caran.
Bet you can get an implant privately (c. £20,000)
Or maybe an external one which must, I think, be much cheaper.
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Oh yes Spicerack I'm sure.
It's the virus. Everything has changed for most people.
Blame everything on the virus. Don't mention the indolence, indifference, incompetence, ignorance, or don't give a fig shower that proliferate our beloved NHS.
A few short weeks ago the NHS were being lauded as heroes now they are villains!
I never lauded the NHS as heroes. The staff that worked directly with Covid cases deserved to be appreciated as it was and is directly in the front line so to speak.
The others had little work to do and even less inclination. The NHS is an appallingly mismanaged institution that’s a cash cow for many, and a money pit for the rest of us. Two sisters nurses. Wife ex nurse. Two other relatives assistant nurses. All confirm the above.
its a behemoth that needs urgent pruning...
We were told to "Protect the NHS", when in fact, as I understand it, the NHS is there to protect us. To me, this is an example of the NHS being protected from your OH. The NHS would be absolutely wonderful if it wasn't for all those whingeing people with health complaints.
Nothing that getting rid of 90% of the bean counters and pen pushers won't cure!
\\9 years of systematic deliberate underfunding by Tory Austerity - the NHS is a nasty Labour invention//

Meanwhile Labour and Blair
Early on I asked what we were saving the NHS from, now the question might be what did we save it for.

Individually or in small teams, workers perform but the screaming risk-averse suits and their coteries have all but shut down everyday care and services.

It's being groomed for some kind of privatisation on the back of a one-time dangerous virus.

Get your wallets out people.
Have you spoken to your GP about it?
Is it earwax removal he is seeking? I know some surgeries don't do that now- the NHS website advises you get a pharmacist to suggest treatments
After replying, I was inundated with Ads for cleaning me ears out, lol. I hope Caran did too.
There is nothing wrong with the NHS at the point of delivery, the problem lies with the managers and above.
Boots do ear syringing I think and some other hearing aid providers. You could try them. I doubt it would be too expensive.
There was an article on this in one of the weekend papers. It basically said that ear-syringing isn't really a medical treatment and many surgeries stopped doing it some time ago. Some of the large optician chains provide the service. One price quoted was £55 - I don't think it said whether this was for one or two ears.
As said @8.54margarettom. Boots do Ear Syringing.

It costs £50.....Click the link for more information :-


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