I've answered this question before and been shouted down afterwards for saying that it was an horrific experience( for me ) and that there is no pain on earth worse than that.And I also disagree with most people in that I didn't forget the pain afterward,and that no amount of relaxation and ante-natal preparation helped either.
However, I still went for a second time and after 20 hours of pretty bad labout,I went for an epidural which was absolutely fantastic. I realise that if you're scared of needles you can't do it (and it's a VERY BIG needle) but it cut off all the pain (not all the feeling) from the waist down.,and after a further ten hours my second child was born. It was a much better experience and I wouldn't hesitate in doing it that way again.
As it is different for every woman and indeed each birth,you may be lucky,or you may have pain which you can cope with or which can be controlled ,but you should be open minded about your options and good luck.
One thing I can say is once the baby is there,it doesn't matter how it got out,it's so wonderful you won't regret it!!