a much clearer picture than at your 12 week. They take full measurements and check for any physical abnormalities too. They check all internal organs and it is amazing to see the babys heart pumping as the check all the parts of it are working.
You may even be able to ask them to tell you what sex baby is if you want to know and at this age they can be 95% accurate.
You can expect to be at the hospital all bloody day!! lol, as Redcrx says its a lot more detailed and they usually go through your birthing plan with you and take bloods etc as well,if it works how it as done with my 2 then they will send you to antinatel after your scan and you will get to see your consultant.
yummymum, i was only at hospital an hour max. scan 30 mins. whether you see consultant will depend if you are under the care of one. I had community midwives rather than hospital based so again i didnt get anything other than the scan, no bloods, nothing.