im only about 6 weeks. noticed a small amount of blood, nothing major. its probably nothin to worry about but i cant help it now. im sure me getting stressed wont help at all though. anybody got any advice?
if there is no pain probably nothing to worry about if your ever in doubt contact your midwife.. thats what they are there for after all.. im sure its nothing i had two small periods when i was pregnant. and i now have a stroppy 7 year old!!! take care and yes your right dont worry!!
please just ring the doctor or midwife! put your mind at rest!
I agree with kittywoo.
It is probably nothing to worry about, but that is the problem, it's natural that you will worry!
just make that phone call, if only to put your mind at rest!
Try not to worry too much, it appears spotting is quite common, my partner was fine then bled every Wednesday on weeks 9, 10 & 11, thankfully this stopped.
Went to the the Maternity consultant who was able to do a quick scan and confirm everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about.
Our midwife is happy to do scans at any time at the slightest hint of a problem and I'm sure yours will too.
i wouldn`t worry about it if theres no pain. i also had a small bleed at around six weeks. was the bleed around the time you would have had your period? if so they call it a break through bleed. if your still worried contact your midwife. my son is nearly four now and i`ve also gota 2yr old daughter so try not to worry. xx