Crosswords6 mins ago
Due today!
Hi all.
Baby_woo was scheduled to arrive today but he's not showing any signs of making an appearance.
Had a midwife app yesterday and she said that I'm well & baby is well so she's happy to let me go up to 2 weeks over! I'm sure elephants have shorter gestation periods than me.
I've been trying all the tips to get labour started but so far he's stubbornly refusing to budge. The midwife recommended lots of sex cos the prostagladin hormone in sperm is the best thing to safely trigger labour.
I'll keep you updated of any rumblings & will post my birth story when it finally happens x
Baby_woo was scheduled to arrive today but he's not showing any signs of making an appearance.
Had a midwife app yesterday and she said that I'm well & baby is well so she's happy to let me go up to 2 weeks over! I'm sure elephants have shorter gestation periods than me.
I've been trying all the tips to get labour started but so far he's stubbornly refusing to budge. The midwife recommended lots of sex cos the prostagladin hormone in sperm is the best thing to safely trigger labour.
I'll keep you updated of any rumblings & will post my birth story when it finally happens x
Best Answer
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I was told at one of my ante natal classes to have a good curry, a good bottle of wine (a couple pf glasses not the whole thing!lol) and have a good bonk! lol
The curry to clear you out, the wine to relax you and the rest......well you know how that works! lol
I didnt fancy any of the above and was finally induced 10 days after my due date! lol
Good luck!
The curry to clear you out, the wine to relax you and the rest......well you know how that works! lol
I didnt fancy any of the above and was finally induced 10 days after my due date! lol
Good luck!
dont want to worry you but i wasnt taken in to hospital until i was 42 weeks and even then labour didnt start until 42+2 as baby didnt have head on my cervix.
I was told to get onto all fours as much as possible or to sit astride a dining chair but facing and leaning on the back of it to get his head in correct position.
I had to have my waters broken in the end just to get things moving. It wasnt painful though and i did have a fairly easy labour of 6 hours.
Its all worth the wait though.
I was told to get onto all fours as much as possible or to sit astride a dining chair but facing and leaning on the back of it to get his head in correct position.
I had to have my waters broken in the end just to get things moving. It wasnt painful though and i did have a fairly easy labour of 6 hours.
Its all worth the wait though.
I was told to try all of the following:
1) Lots of sex
2) Eat fresh pineapple daily
3) Eat spicy foods such as curry
4) Take long walks
5) Drink raspberry leaf tea (also available in capsules if you don't like the taste of the tea)
6) Have long warm baths.
Give them a go and see what happens. Good luck and I hope all goes well.
(For info, I did try them all and was still 2 weeks late but that was due to complications rather than them simply not working)
1) Lots of sex
2) Eat fresh pineapple daily
3) Eat spicy foods such as curry
4) Take long walks
5) Drink raspberry leaf tea (also available in capsules if you don't like the taste of the tea)
6) Have long warm baths.
Give them a go and see what happens. Good luck and I hope all goes well.
(For info, I did try them all and was still 2 weeks late but that was due to complications rather than them simply not working)
Hi ladies
Thanks for your support.
I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea since 36 weeks. I have a long bath with Clary Sage essential oil in every - other day. I walk up and down stairs several times a day (I don't have a downstairs loo!). I bounce on my inflatible ball.
I can't stand pineapple but m/wife said papaya contains the same enzyme so I'm going shopping tomorrow. I've had a Madras, Jalfrezi & Hot Tikka Massala. Hubby is still smoking so I don't really want him anywhere near me which rules out sex.
When I saw m/wife yesterday she booked me in for a sweep Fri 13th & if not successful then have another on Tues 17th, if that not successful then going into hosp on Thurs 19th for prostaglandin gel insert ready for induction on Fri 20th. It all sounds very organised!
Thanks for your support.
I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea since 36 weeks. I have a long bath with Clary Sage essential oil in every - other day. I walk up and down stairs several times a day (I don't have a downstairs loo!). I bounce on my inflatible ball.
I can't stand pineapple but m/wife said papaya contains the same enzyme so I'm going shopping tomorrow. I've had a Madras, Jalfrezi & Hot Tikka Massala. Hubby is still smoking so I don't really want him anywhere near me which rules out sex.
When I saw m/wife yesterday she booked me in for a sweep Fri 13th & if not successful then have another on Tues 17th, if that not successful then going into hosp on Thurs 19th for prostaglandin gel insert ready for induction on Fri 20th. It all sounds very organised!
Ah bless ya pixie!! Hope you dont have to wait too long!! I'll be thinking of you on the 13th - my doctor put back my appointment on the 10th to the 13th! Day before i'm due!! So we'll both be awaiting our fate! Hopefully she'll at least tell me baby's engaged!!
Hey Hellie! No signs at all....:o( I'm just constantly tired and wanting to sleep, certainly no "nesting" instincts! Just want this baby out on time!!! Dont think i could wait two weeks like poor ol' pixie!!!! xxx
Hey Hellie! No signs at all....:o( I'm just constantly tired and wanting to sleep, certainly no "nesting" instincts! Just want this baby out on time!!! Dont think i could wait two weeks like poor ol' pixie!!!! xxx
Hi warpig
A sweep is also know as a membrane sweep or a stretch and sweep.
The midwife (or GP) will insert a finger and sweep around the cervix to try to loosen some of the membrane & encourage the mucus plug to come away and/or waters to break.
Its only performed if the baby is overdue or if baby is fully engaged & they need to trigger natural labour.
From what I understand, if the sweep is successful then labour will start 24-48hrs later. Its not supposed to be anymore painful than a smear test & frankly its better than waiting to be chemically induced which I've heard is more painful than regular labour!
Hope this helps x
A sweep is also know as a membrane sweep or a stretch and sweep.
The midwife (or GP) will insert a finger and sweep around the cervix to try to loosen some of the membrane & encourage the mucus plug to come away and/or waters to break.
Its only performed if the baby is overdue or if baby is fully engaged & they need to trigger natural labour.
From what I understand, if the sweep is successful then labour will start 24-48hrs later. Its not supposed to be anymore painful than a smear test & frankly its better than waiting to be chemically induced which I've heard is more painful than regular labour!
Hope this helps x
Hey Pixie, the only reason the labour is more painful when artificially induced is because the contractions come on quicker and more intensly than if done naturally so you don't have the build up beforehand to prepare yourself. I also found that as a result of that my tens machine was useless too. Don't know how you feel about pain relief but if you are artifically induced in the end be open minded about having an epidural. It was a godsend!!!! Good luck and I hope everything happens naturally for you x
Hi Pixie
Hope you're not feeling too fed up yet - it's a nightmare when you due date comes and goes - I don't know about you but I built myself upto the day and then it came and went, and went a bit more, and then went a bit more. I remember a checkout girl in Tesco asking me when I was due and she looked terrifeid when I told her 'a week last Wednesday' I had 2 sweeps (they're not too bad, you will have worse to come!!) and baby Picky still had no intention of coming out. I don't personally really think there is much you can do to get Junior out and all these suggestions of lots of sex, well good god, that was the last thing on my mind at 9 months pregnant (and Mr Picky's too for that matter!). If I were you , I would just sit back and make the most of your last quiet days, they'll be a distant memory soon!! Oh, and not to worry you, but baby Picky was born 13 days past my due date, I was induced in the end, he'd probably still be in there now as he couldn't be ar5ed to come out! Good luck!!
Picky and Baby Picky (aged 5 months and a week!!)
Hope you're not feeling too fed up yet - it's a nightmare when you due date comes and goes - I don't know about you but I built myself upto the day and then it came and went, and went a bit more, and then went a bit more. I remember a checkout girl in Tesco asking me when I was due and she looked terrifeid when I told her 'a week last Wednesday' I had 2 sweeps (they're not too bad, you will have worse to come!!) and baby Picky still had no intention of coming out. I don't personally really think there is much you can do to get Junior out and all these suggestions of lots of sex, well good god, that was the last thing on my mind at 9 months pregnant (and Mr Picky's too for that matter!). If I were you , I would just sit back and make the most of your last quiet days, they'll be a distant memory soon!! Oh, and not to worry you, but baby Picky was born 13 days past my due date, I was induced in the end, he'd probably still be in there now as he couldn't be ar5ed to come out! Good luck!!
Picky and Baby Picky (aged 5 months and a week!!)
lol psychick, strangely enough yes, but that was not the reason I was up so early. I mentioned about being incredibly tired to the doctor and she said to sleep when I felt like it so I do, the only thing is that this means I am up at daft o'clock in the morning. Actually this is not such a problem as it means I can get stuff done without mrwarpig milling around - roll on the end of the summer holidays!