TV1 min ago
no baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am 8 days over due and going crazy, I was told to eat pineapples and spicy foods , I have done that , was told to have sex , did that and still no baby....i'm booked in for a membrane sweep tomorrow, does any one know if that hurts? and how long after will i be able to give birth.... I never thought i'd be exited to have labour pains,,,,but if they come now i'd be jumping for joy.....
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Oh , you poor thing , all that waiting is awful in the last couple of weeks , and then to go overdue ! Don't worry about the sweep love , if you read a few threads on here some ladies have already been for theirs this week and will tell you how it was .Labour doesn't always start after the first sweep so don't expect too much. However if you are 8 days over one would hope it will get you moving.
Best of luck. :-)
Best of luck. :-)
i went 10 days over, on the last day i shopped till i dropped and spent all day on my feet. Labour started that night and by the time i got to hosp (30 min car journey) i was 6cm dilated. Oh and i washed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees in the morning as suggested by the midwife. Other than that i tried Curries, Raspberry leaf tea, riding in a 4x4 down a very bumpy track, but said hell no to sex!
good luck x
good luck x
My missus had a sweep on day 7 (Friday) of being overdue.
She said it was strange but not at all painful. Nothing happened though and she was induced the following Tuesday and gave birth in the small hours of Thursday.
Interestingly, our midwife said that gestation in France is considered to be 42 weeks and that they hardly ever need to induce. She was of the opinion that we were rushing nature.
She said it was strange but not at all painful. Nothing happened though and she was induced the following Tuesday and gave birth in the small hours of Thursday.
Interestingly, our midwife said that gestation in France is considered to be 42 weeks and that they hardly ever need to induce. She was of the opinion that we were rushing nature.
You have my full sympathy. I'm 12 days overdue & have had 2 sweeps (well, the 2nd wasn't successfull cos baby head was in way of membranes). The 1st wasn't painfull but the 2nd was very uncomfortable cos the mw was trying to manipulate my cervix.
After the sweep there is a 48hr window where if it has been successful labour will start. Its not guaranteed (I'm living proof of that) but it does work for a lot of people.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x
You have my full sympathy. I'm 12 days overdue & have had 2 sweeps (well, the 2nd wasn't successfull cos baby head was in way of membranes). The 1st wasn't painfull but the 2nd was very uncomfortable cos the mw was trying to manipulate my cervix.
After the sweep there is a 48hr window where if it has been successful labour will start. Its not guaranteed (I'm living proof of that) but it does work for a lot of people.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x
hi nikkster
with my last one i had a sweep as i was 12 days overdue. Thought it wouldnt work so they had booked me in to be induced on the monday (it was friday). Anyway hubby went out came home very very drunk and i went into labour at 3 in the morning. His excuse was he thought she wasnt coming till monday lol. i was so excited to be in labour and she arrived 2 hours later and yes i drove myself to hospital . good luck let us know how you get on xxxx
with my last one i had a sweep as i was 12 days overdue. Thought it wouldnt work so they had booked me in to be induced on the monday (it was friday). Anyway hubby went out came home very very drunk and i went into labour at 3 in the morning. His excuse was he thought she wasnt coming till monday lol. i was so excited to be in labour and she arrived 2 hours later and yes i drove myself to hospital . good luck let us know how you get on xxxx
Thank you so much for all your help... I had the "sweep" mid wife said to wait for 4 hrs , so I am waiting....if not i'm booked in for sunday to be induced...She also said if i am induce that my labour pain and contractions will be much harder and painful than if it was natural....did anyone experience this? Will keep you updated....
i was induced with my first and yes it hurt a little more than normal labour but i couldnt of cared less cos i just wanted my babies. A friend of mine said she prefered to be induced as it hurt less so i think everyones experience is different. Plus take pain relief if you can thats what its there for noone will think any less of you. I was singing morning has broken at the top of my voice having my sons. my hubby was trying to shut me up while i was trying to get him and the midwife to sing with me
Hi Nikkster
I've only had the one baby Picky, so I haven't got anything to compare it to, but I was induced in the end with a gel and when the contractions started, they started at the intensity that they stayed at. I was initally thinking that if they were going to get worse than that I wouldn't be able to cope, but they stayed the same! The only prob I found was that your body doesn't seem to have the time to build up resistence to the pain (if that's at all possible anyway), but all it really means is that you will meet the little 'un very soon, so it was all very exciting really! Good luck with everything, won't be long now!
P x
I've only had the one baby Picky, so I haven't got anything to compare it to, but I was induced in the end with a gel and when the contractions started, they started at the intensity that they stayed at. I was initally thinking that if they were going to get worse than that I wouldn't be able to cope, but they stayed the same! The only prob I found was that your body doesn't seem to have the time to build up resistence to the pain (if that's at all possible anyway), but all it really means is that you will meet the little 'un very soon, so it was all very exciting really! Good luck with everything, won't be long now!
P x