I'm more confused than ever!!! I usually have a regular 28 day cycle, in December I was a week late and had a very light, short period. I did a test at 7 days late and another just after the light period as I wasn't convinced it was a 'proper' period. Both negative. Now, this month, going on a 28 day cycle I am 11 days late, but if I go on my last month cycle I'm 4 days late (meaning so far this month it would be a 39 day cycle). I did a test last friday, again negative. What's going on?!??!?! We are trying to conceive, but only for a couple of months and we're not stressing about it all. I came off the pill about 6-7 months ago and since then my periods have been regular. We're planning to do another test at the weekend, but I'm confused!
I dont think any of us truely understand our own bodies, especially when it somes to that time of the month! I know from personal expeirences that not knowing either way is the worst bit but unfortunately, the only thing you can do is keep testing every few days until you get a more definate answer either way.