I have to tell you a story about a friend of mine.
She had very limited experience of babies having been an only child and marrying an only child.
When her son was born, he had swallowed some of his poo and had to go to the special babycare unit and apart from visits etc she hadn't changed his nappy or anything until he was presented back to her at about 3 days old. As is inevitable, the first night she had him back he was crying and she saw he had a dirty nappy. She was clueless, so pressed the bell for some help from the midwife. It being night time and very quiet, the midwife took pity on her and showed her how to bath and change and dress the baby.
They went home and a few weeks passed. Her mum's daily visit happened to coincide with a poo and my friend happily stripped, bathed and changed the baby. Her mum said, "didn't he already have a bath this morning?"
"Yes, came the response, but don't you always bath them every time they have a poo?"
I think she must have had the cleanest baby in Scotland!
So, no it is not a stupid question - depending on how long you are in hospital, you will have different opportunities for help and advice, but never be scared to ask. If I remember correctly, aren't you going into St John's? Another friend had her baby there (not the friend above!) and they were very good at explaining everything.
I am sure that you will cope - anyway, they do come with a comprehensive manual that tells you everything........only joking, you get better instructions when you buy a kettle!