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Good morning ladies :-)
I have been unable to get online over the weekend, and was off work yesterday so couldn't get on then either.
I feel poo today, worse than usual. Sunday night I had a fabulous sleep and felt wonderful yesterday, I loved being pregnant and met my two friends and spent the afternoon with their 2year old daughters in the park in the sunshine. Today, however, I feel Crap with a capital C. I slept so badly last night, like mountainboo, my hips ached all night, I very nearly shoved my fella out of the bed altogether because despite having a kingsize bed I am sure he was taking up more of my side than his. My hair is like so crazy bogt brush, even though when I went to bed last night it was ok. I feel bloated and whale like and I just want to go to bed and wake up tomorrow whe it will be a better day.