I used to be a staunch Labour supporter, but would never vote for them again. I detest this nanny society we live in, where criminals appear to have more rights than their victims. I detest taxation on every little thing and the way people who want to do well in life are penalised through exorbitant taxes, so those who want to leach off the state can do so freely.
This country has really gone to the dogs, I'm not sure if there is any way back as we don't seem to have any strong or competent alternatives.
As for Islam, as a religion, I wouldn't say it was abnormal as such, but would agree our Labour government tolerate Moslems with extremist views. We all know as Christians, if we went to many Islamic countries and started preaching christianity, let alone voice any fundamental views, we would be subjected to a public stoning or have our heads chopped off.