I just got back from the shops (with a bag of Jelly Tots, a copy of Closer and Heat magazine to get me through the day), saw 30 replies more than when I posted this morning and thought somebody was giving birth, and what do I find? bigmamma running round the room with her shirt over her head..... I ask you.....
Its ok no need for me to come on here and tell you when redcrx pops I have inside info, I asked little redcrx what day redcrx was going to have her baby and he said tickle day. :-)
In that case 4get, I feel I should announce the sex of my baby despite us wanting to wait until the birth....
Yes, when we asked my neice if she thought the baby was a girl or a boy, she looked at us as if we were sooooooo stoopid and announced that it was, of course, a fish. Obviously.