Many of the old wives tales for getting labour have been tried and tested by a lot of the ladies here on AB (well, not literally here but you know what I mean lol), Im not sure how well they worked, if at all. I firmly believe baby will come when its ready no matter what you do. My four month old arrived two weeks early before I even needed to give anything a go.
As for the raspberry leaf tea, I had the capsules from 36 weeks (as I didnt like the tea). I cant say for certain if it was due to the raspberry leaf or not, but I literally went from dull aches to very painful contractions close together and baby was born in less than 5 minutes after only 4 pushes! I never got past 3 cm and the midwife told me that established labour started when the babys head came out! lol
Just keep reminding yourself, there really isnt long to go now and if you want to try the old wives tales, go for it!
Good luck and let us know when bubs arrives :)