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So just what has happened

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The-enforcer | 18:51 Tue 10th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
To legend?

Does anybody really know, as nothing seems to have been settled yet on his whereabouts or whether he still has an internect connection.

The plot thickens!!


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I think that the plot far from thickening is spreading over the gound like diluted gloop and losing the will to live.

oh groannnnnnn
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^^^^^^ PMSL @ RoaldoM Loved that show btw
he is sat in a bar in glasgow
Don't know, don't want to know, and don't care, he might be stuck to one of his blow up dolls.
As a newcomer I am amazed at the attention this Legend recieves. He is trully a LEGEND!
No silverlace, he thinks he is a legend, only thinks mind you, don't argue with him, cos he is never wrong, ever. !
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Well for people who dont want to know, you are all doing a lot of discussing him and if he has a net connection etc. etc.

Are you all obsessed with the man or something?

I find you all very boring and two faced by doing this, now just take a step back and think about how foolish most of you look on here.
Well I for one feel very foolish now. Sorry.
What if I don't mind looking stupid?
Silver, so am I. I think he's a horrible person.
Don't be gormless. gormless.
Are you obsessed with him? I and most of the people on here could not give a stuff about his whereabouts. You must as you asked the question.

Will leave you to it.
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Shall we draw a line under it now? Before we all look like proper idiots with nothing else to talk about.
Yes, he is still posting, from South Glasgow actually, I've done all the ip trawling. Call me on MSN if you want to know more.

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Well it seems to me like you are and you have not.
I think to increase his need for adoration he has stayed away, as his very small fanclub will miss him desperately and keep posting about him, causing his head to swell further and heighten his narcissistic tendencies.

It's been a while since I've been able to post in Chatterbank. I tend to avoid so the great Legend who is God, doesn't make some abusive remark to me. I feel so free, not being at the hands of this bully.
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Well what you have just said there velvetee only goes to show how obsessed you are with him

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