I had a baby 7 weeks ago and have bled since. The blood was just like a normal period, but for the last two weeks, it has smelled really really bad. It is brown in colour too. I am having 2 baths a day and it's still smelly. It's the atucal blood that smells. Could this be an infection ort is it normal..
I have my post natal check next week, but just thought i'd ask advice on here first.
I would not get alarmed it could be just old blood. When blood mixes with oxygen because of the iron it will turn brown. But you will be re assured when you go for your check up. Hope all is well then.
I guess brown blood is normal, after having given birth so recently. The smell, however, could mean infection, but it is probably something minor, so don't worry yourself too much. As long as you are not bleeding fresh blood profusely (ie having to change pad every half hour or so), I don't think it could be anything bad. If you are really worried however, don't hesitate to see your GP before your post natal check. Congratulations on your wee bundle! x
if the blood has gone a brown shade then that would suggest your coming to the end of it now but if there is a strong smell or discharge then i would say you may have a infection.