Normally mine are approx 28 days. This one was late and has now been going on for 9 days- not particularly heavily. This is very unusual for me. Has this happened to you? I am also feeling really quite dizzy. Not sure if that is linked. Thanks for any thoughts.
Have you had unprotected sex lately? Could be a very early miscarriage. If not, how old are you, roughly? If you're of the right age, then it may be menopausal.
Yes...then I started bleeding in between periods and ended up having tests. I then got the implant and haven't had a period since...much to OH's delight..!!
did you change your diet recently? orstarted having extra sleep ? mine are normally 20 days but any of these reasons and they take as long as 2 and a half months to come and can stay upto 12 days.But if i start eating healthy and sleep fine they are back on schedule.
Hope that helps
That's interesting blackeyed. I am lucky I guess in that mine are normally very predictable which is what makes this seem so odd. It was not much for 4 days then heavy for 6 and shows no sign of let up. I'll see my Doc tomorrow though.