19 yr old fathers his 8th child by 8 different girls, his first baby was when when he was 14 and his attitude..Why the f*** should I pay for them, they get well looked after with benefits!
everyone of the girls involved get their Family allowance, council tax paid, single parent allowance, rent paid this made me so angry, my daughter and I'm sure a lot of your families, goes to work full time and did so after her maternity leave, her husband does the same, she is a dental nurse and has been for 22 yrs, her friend, also a dental nurse, works 20 hrs a week , gets family tax credits and has more at the end of the month, they have both gone on to take higher qualifications in their chosen field with the difference being, my daughter has had to pay £250 for the course and her friend...ziltch! coz you and me paid it!
<end of rant>
Bobbi ♥
Yes bobbi you are right .We done things wrong by going to work and paying all our dues and demands. Now it's the scroungers that state their dues and demands and get it . Makes my blood boil. There are a lot of people on benifits but not their choice .. but this is rediculous.
Until we make politicians take notice of US the bloody taxpayer this abuse will continue we have an election soon pin your politician to the wall on this one
Good afternoon Bobbi x
When you read about,a situation like this,it beggars belief !
Both you,I and the majority of people must be sickened by an "attitude" such as this.
The most worrying thing,is that,as taxpayers we contribute towards payments!!
Hi all
We have a state visit at the moment from Jacob Zuma south african president he has five wives 35 children !!!!!!! we need to take our politicians to account
I may be wrong,but surely nobody,not even the "uman rights"(sic) people,could justify
the payments to 8 girls,for benefits.They should investigate the reason,in this case a person who cannot understand the word contraception.
I,m afraid Bobbi,as things stands at the present time,it would be very difficult to find
any justification for this.
The problem is that we have developed a generation that sees no social stigma in having babies out of wedlock despite the availability of contraceptives.
Having babies out of wedlock has nothing to do with it. Not working and providing for those babies is the problem. They have no standards and morals...getting married wouldn't change that.