* i posted a question earlier, but had some of the info not all there*
I am 29 weeks pregnant, my due date is October 10, 2010. My last menstral period was Jan 6-Jan 10. i went to the doctor on Feb. 22, and she said i was 7 weeks pregnant. i had been with my boyfriend for three years, and had sex very frequently. we had sex Jan 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13th. (i was on my period a couple times we had sex.) We broke up, and i had sex with someone else around Jan. 20th. I asked my doctor if she was sure about the 7 weeks, adn she said yes, even though my period was not over until the 10th. i went to the doctor for an ultra sound around 21 weeks and the baby weighed about 1.3 lbs, and my due date has not changed. i just want some assurance, or some opinions on who the father would be. i know it is close to time, but i really believe and according to the doctor my first partner would be the father. i do not think that doctors could be that far off, becuase i thought it took about 10-14 days after sex to become pregnant, which if i went to the doctor feb. 22, and the doctor said im 7 weeks, there isnt a way it could be the second partners. right? im just afraid. any help would be appreciated.