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will anyone be around at midnight ?

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TheOtherHalf | 12:43 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
tonight to wish me happy birthday before its been and gone. Im a leap year baby so no birthday this year for me. I will be fast asleep but if you are up and about, think of me not having a birthday when the clock strikes twelve, cos when I get up I`ll have to wait another year and next year is a biggie !!


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In advance.... many happy returns (as I wont be around)
Did you know you share your birthday with Superman?
Apart from him, I have never known any leap year babies.
That's a bummer. Don't you just celebrate on a different day on non-leap years?
happy birthday, now that is an unusual birthday!
I know one leap year baby....she celebrates today.

Happy birthday...x
I shall wish you many happy returns now, as I may well have flouced off in a fit of major hissyness come midnight...
^ flouNced
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Superman... ?? really ..?? I didnt know that. I love Superman

thanks jd for your good wishes. Im sure I`ll still get cards and maybe a pressie from OH but its not the same
back by morning though snags..
many happy returns in advance x
I will not be around so I wishing you now -

A very happy birthday to you and may you see many, many more happy birthdays.
The parents of a girl I was at school with got married on Feb 29th.
As the Groom suggested it, the bride thought it was a very romantic gesture on his part.
It was only later that it dawned that he would only have to buy her an anniversary present once every 4 years...........

Happy birthday, in any case ! :o)
I'm wishing ^^^
Does this mean you only have a birthday every four years, and you are four times younger than everyone else?
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we will probably go out for meal Tuesday night. I usually celebrate on whichever day is most convenient to me which confuses the family
I thought about going to live on Mars. Their "years" consist of over 500 days, and so I'd still only be in my 20s now. :-)
God willing I'll be here at mid-night, I'm puckering up ready to give you a big birthday splonker.
Second thoughts if you're a lady a big hug instead.

Happy Birthday!

I used to work with two leap year babies. One year we had a party to celebrate their 7 & 8th birthdays. We all wore school uniforms or similarly childlike clothing and the food was just as we remembered from our childhood parties (apart from the vodka jellies!)
A HUG it is then......:o)

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JTH - thats funny. thanks for the wishes

jonnyBoy- every four years yes. My son used to take great delight in telling his friends and teachers he was older than me at one stage. Im younger in birthdays but Im afraid my body is still ageing as quickly as everyone elses.

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