1st Anniversary Present in The AnswerBank: Relationships & Dating
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1st Anniversary Present

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torie | 12:28 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | Relationships & Dating
12 Answers
Hello All

Could you give me some ideas for a present for my husband for our first wedding anniversary?

Many Thanks in advance
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Vintage champagne
What's your budget?
First is 'paper' - you could get a copy of something like The Times - the issue of your wedding day. Check out the small ads in a magazine like Private Eye for sources.
Why not save money and give him something he would enjoy like a back massage? Get a card and write inside what the treat is.
I love Andy's idea - how sweet! I'd love my OH to do something like that..........would never happen, I can but hope :o)

Would men appreciate something like that as much as women probably would though?
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Well I would, because it's something quirky and different, but I am not like a lot of other men!
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As its the paper anniversary, how about tickets to something you can enjoy together?
Oy trigger!

Looking for a good kicking???

Oh no, sorry, can't!!!

As mentioned, the first is paper, so I had a local artist paint one of my favourite wedding photos on to a paper canvas.

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