Anyone else hate Christmas as much as I do ! Always glad when it is over - every year. Hate the shopping, the food, the expectations, everything. And I dislike it afterwards when everyone says "had a good Christmas" yes thanks - did you.
The only part of it I dont mind is young children, and Father Christmas, and church carol service - the rest I hate.
As far as I'm concerned its just another day, I have to go through the motions but would rather be on the sofa with a good film and a box of chocs. Never liked it, neither do I like the sales mania afterwards. Back to normal next week, can't wait.
I love Christmas but HATE the -to me- totally artificial bon homie that is the NEW YEAR celebrations. Remember staying up to see in the New Year as a teenager and squirming at all the 'happy new years', the forced delight, the excuse to get ratted and embarrass me even more. For me Christmas is the time to celebrate whereas New Year is yet another excuse for parties,drunkenness and making a prat of yourself- Bag Humbug New Year!