My Grandson got taken into care back in March last year , because his parents failed to look after him properly, with the police being called out on a few occasions over "who should look after the baby" it resulted in violence and one of imprisonment.also my poor grandson was shouted at hung upside down and smothered by the father because he wouldnt stop crying. he is three months behind with his development because they would not interact with him or take him out or provide any stimulus. He also suffered a fractured femur because of "an accident" where the father dropped him. social services were also concerned about the rough handling of the baby. last October I heard he was going to put my daughter into hospital because she talked to the wrong people. He takes cannibbis. Unfortunately, I got arrested because I punched and strangled him, I was let off with a police caution because of extreme provocation. What I would like to know is because Social services appear to be dragging their heels, could I take out a private prosecution against the father for child cruelty or at least thwart their chances of getting him back....yes unbelievably they are trying!!!!!!!!!!
Dunno. Can't say I know anything about how SS work. But the op doesn't express any desire In the Q to even see the child, just to make sure he doesn't go back to his parents (it reads to me like they include their daughter in that).
Maybe the op isn't a suitable person to look after the baby either, for whatever reason.
thanks guys i would actually like both parents to pay (i know one is my daughter) but I would like some justice for the grandson. nobody seems to want them to pay for what they have done
Please look here. It's national support for family and friends of children in care / who cannot live with parents etc. They have many answers and legal advice.
Just to say feebletoe, it must break you heart to have such an ineffective daughter. I know I would be devastated. So sorry for you and your grandson of course.
Hmm Boxtops...I get you but I would feel the need to put my child's welfare ahead of my need to stay with a man like that. Any form of abuse to my child would be a deal breaker.