I have just cleared out a big cupboard that I have been putting 'just in case' stuff in for the last 20 years. I didn't realise how much there was until I had to move it.
Does anyone else have one (or more) of these?
I too have drawers full of odddments I collect for (tombolas etc) and bits of things to use for craft ideas ( which I very rarely do ). Boxes of birthday cards I buy when I see them cheap ( but dont send because they `look cheap `!
Magazines I dont like to throw out because Ive only read them once and they have snippets in I might need.
But apart from that, Im a very neat and organised person :>)
We've lived here 26 years and none of our cars have EVER been in the garage. I think a junk gremlin has moved in because when ever I have a clear out and make some space I go in a couple of days later and it's full again.