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An unusual thing to say to a child....

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Mosaic | 19:30 Tue 28th Aug 2012 | Family & Relationships
23 Answers
Now I don't approve of name-calling but you might overhear a child being called something like dafty, silly devil, numpty or whatever by its parent. Today a little girl of about 6 playing around, summoned by mum with 'come 'ere, pothead'....



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My neighbour loudly calls her toddler son a little b*stard all the time. Some young parents don't seem to have a clue how to bring up children correctly.

*just realised I sound very old with that statement*
Eee! Not like when you were young, daffy? ☺
Pothead is a bit much... :|

Most names like that are meant to be taken as a term of endearment. My mum still calls my brother bawheed! Lol!!
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I don't actually think this is generational. It seems to me to show a disregard for the plain fact that a parent moulds the child's emotional development. A child that is called 'stupid' will lack self-esteem. A child that is called pothead....I suppose, will for starters be in an environment where street drug use is normalised.
OK, I'm old.
We used to call our son poobag (for fairly obvious reasons) when he was young. I'm pretty sure it hasn't had a detrimental effect on his life.
I think that the way such names are used makes the difference here. My family use names like dafty etc but with a sense of humour and we were brought up to never take it seriously... I don't know if that makes much sense! Lol!
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I still refer to my adult son in similar terms Rojash......

all obviously with affection.

But pothead?
Perhaps, when she was younger, she got her head stuck in her potty ?
you know what? When I read the question cannabis never occurred to me, I was thinking of it as a loving insult...maybe babe had an odd shaped head at birth as often happens.
My father used to call me Fishface, I don't think it affected my development.
It could actually have been her name. It wouldn't surprise me these days lol
I was horrified some years ago when I heard a mother calling to her child who was running around in the shopping centre: "Come here, you f*****g little sh*t!"
i have heard people using the term pot-herb, to mean daft etc

perhaps thats what she said...?
yeah a pot head is someone stupid nothing to do with drugs- west country I think certainly remember hearing it in Bristol area.
My bristolian fil has been known to use the term "pot egg" for a useless person. Pot eggs are used to encourage chickens to lay in the right place or to keep a broody hen broody if you want her to hatch other eggs
not sure where pot-HERB comes from, but i do remember my bro saying it
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Interesting about the pot-egg etc - not heard in round east Lancashire (we aren't especially known for free range chickens....)
It depends how it's said.
I used to refer to my nephew as "The abomination", a term he used himself when he was old enough to pronounce it, and it was never more than a jest.

I believe that the way you treat someone is more important, and he was spoiled rotten.
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TBH Umm I'm not sure - I wonder where the line falls between labelling a child and affectionate name-play. You can call someone 'stupid' in many tones, but if it's what you call them all the time....

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